Android to SMS to Email Forwarder

Hello, I wrote a simple SMS To Email Forwarder App for android. I’ve tired to post it on Google play , but they have strict policy when it comes to accessing SMS Messages and they require default handler, which is not the case with this application.

Java Book – Programming Using Java

Hello, I just wanted to post this to everyone , this book is one of the best books I ever read in Java Programming; It’s practical and free.  Introduction to Programming Using Java, Eighth Edition Hope you enjoy it and good luck. –Saeed 🙂

Roundcube Webmail Client

I was installing roundcube webclinet on my server and both SMTP and IMAP server using TTLS for encrypted connection. However, I used Lets Encrypt SSL certificate. The PHP couldn’t validate the certificate when configuring roundcube. Therefore, it couldn’t establish connection to SMTP and IMAP. here is the command to test the SSL on you SMTP […]